Every day, cybercriminals become more sophisticated. Cybercriminals use every arrow in their quiver, from ransomware to data theft, to stymie any good business organization, regardless of size. A malicious mind would not consider small businesses to be too small a target to be decimated, even if they believe they are.
Small Business Threats: What They Are and How to Avoid Them
Despite the fact that danger lurks everywhere, cybercriminals have chosen only a few malicious threats to target.
Following the global outcry over the WannaCry attack, ransomware became well-known. Malicious actors typically deliver dangerous software that, once activated, encrypts digital files. The files are held hostage until the criminals are paid a ransom. These illegal activities take advantage of flaws in cybersecurity systems.
Phishing is a term derived from the sport of angling. The criminals lure the unsuspecting businesses in by dangling an unsuspecting link in the form of malicious software packaged in an email or as an email link. When a link is clicked, the company’s servers become a hotbed for criminal activity. In some cases, cybercriminals install trojan software on servers that remain dormant.
Malware is a broad term that refers to any software designed for malicious or criminal purposes. Malware can infiltrate servers in a variety of ways unless security is rigorously enforced.
One must accept the harsh reality that cybercrime has become one of the world’s most lucrative industries. With crime at an all-time high, it’s a good idea to hire a security consultant. Cegura Technologies evaluates your business needs and recommends the best solution for you. So, reach out to us and let us help you protect your business.